Sewing Pajama Party!
Posted by Angie Lamoree on
Who misses pajama parties? How's this for a Friday night plan?
February 2 5:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Show up to the shop around closing. Wear your most comfy pair of jammies. Bring your sewing machine and favorite picture of you as another sleep over. We will sew a pair of pajamas and a matching pillowcase. There will be popcorn and hot cocoa plus some cartoons. Who knows, maybe there will be some nail polish and hair braiding and we promise to keep everyone's current crushes a secret.
Here are the photos from last night, stay tuned for the next date!
Leigh had fun making her cat PJs.
Lookin spicy with chili pepper pants!
Using knit kitties to make some PJams.
Everyone working on their pajamas, some with snacks, others with a beer.
Finished! They look fabulous, don't you think?
Love the shirt almost as much as her snowmen-penguin pants
Cindy made some pants for her grandson, Levi.
Even Kim touched a sewing machine last night. That never happens.